Sometimes when I face problems or pain or confusion in my life, my first instinct is to run away. I get this feeling in my heart like it will explode if I don’t run away and let rushing wind and changing scenery peel away whatever is weighing it down.
But running away has never resolved or healed anything. It just makes things worse.
Lately God has been teaching me to sit down in the midst of my pain and confusion and problems, and to listen to his whisper reminding me I am loved and valuable and significant.
Because deep, complete healing and understanding can only happen with stillness and a certain stability.
A storm has never put things back together, and running has never snapped broken bones or relationships back into place.
Sometimes I imagine opening my rib cage and exposing my heart. Then I invite God to take a shovel and start digging holes in my heart, getting rid of any scars or pain or confusion or insecurities, and to plant trees in their place. Trees with deep roots. Trees that grow strong and produce fruits of joy and peace and freedom.
Trees that make a heart stand firm in the midst of a storm. Trees that produce a heart that doesn’t run.
I am learning to sit down and have hard conversations. To be vulnerable. To deal with stuff head on. It doesn’t feel natural to me, but it brings healing.
So if you feel like running, let God plant trees in your heart. You will feast on the satisfying and healing fruits of joy and peace and freedom the trees produce.